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发布日期:2016-07-18 14:05


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Green development makes a better world


               The 4th World Green Development Investment and Trade Expo 

中国·江西             2016年11月25-28日

                 Jiangxi, China          November 25-28, 2016







Dear Mr/Ms.______________________:

To promote the green, circular, and low-carbon development and accelerate the change of economic growth mode, The 4th World Green Development Investment and Trade Expo will be held on November 25-28, 2016 in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, China.

Sponsored by Jiangxi Provincial People’s Government, the expo will focus on the leading concept of “Innovative, Coordinated, Green, Open and Shared” development. With the theme of “Green development makes a better world ” and through the ways of seminar and conference, exhibition display, investment cooperation, trade promotion, etc., the Expo will discuss new trend of world green development, share new opportunity of world green investment and trade, explore new ways of international ecological cooperation, express the new concept of green development in China and show Wild China to the world through presenting the latest achievement of Jiangxi Province.

State leaders, head of relevant ministries, ambassadors sited in China, senior politicians from overseas, head of international organizations, well-known entrepreneurs and famous experts & scholars from all over the world will be invited to attend the Expo.

Sincerely invite you to participate in the Expo!

Organizing Committee



The 4th World Green Development Investment and Trade Expo


Main Events





Date: November 25-28, 2016

Place: Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, China

Conference Center: Jiangxi Qianhu State Guesthouse Hotel Nanchang

Exhibition Center: Nanchang Greenland International Expo Center

01、重大活动Major Events


    The World Green Development Summit


02、专题活动Thematic Events


    Seminar on Cooperation between Global 500 companies, MNCs and Jiangxi Enterprises


    Global Jiangxi Entrepreneurs Conference


    ASEAN Regional Scientific and Technological Cooperation Seminar

   “Belt and Road” International Production Capacity Cooperation Conference


Nanchang Optical Valley Development Conference


2016 China Renewable Resources Innovation & Development Conference


Seminar on Jiangxi Modern Service Industry Development Cooperation

03、展览展示Exhibition Areas

    (一)生态江西展区:Ecological Jiangxi Area

    (二)国际交流区:International Communication Area

    (三)低碳循环区:Low Carbon and Circular Area

    (四)新型能源区:New Energy Area

    (五)智能工业区:Intelligent Industry Area


Organizing Committee

联系人:王忠民 13720432746

Contact person: Wang Zhongmin 13720432746

电话:+86-791-86229037  86229020

Tel: +0086-791-86229037  86229020

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